Get a year membership to Daytrotter, courtesy of the Ridges!

Remember when I wrote about Ohio band The Ridges? Well, they've been busy since I reviewed their EP in May. They hit up Daytrotter in the fall, and have now released the gorgeous session. The band is all about atmosphere (the EP was recorded in an insane asylum, remember), so it's no surprise that they met up with Daytrotter in an old, dusty barn.

The band is now giving away a free year-long membership to Daytrotter, and all they're asking is a tweet or share. Just post this on your Facebook, or retweet this by noon (EST) tomorrow for a chance to win.

"[Victor] Rasgaitis, percussionist/vocalist Johnny Barton and cellist/vocalist Talor Smith - along with an assortment of auxiliary players and characters - make the kind of Americana music that falls off the bone, but it's hidden with turn of the century and Dust Bowl-era themes that make it understood that there's bone there still." Read more from the session here.

Daytrotter session tracklist: 1. Welcome to Daytrotter 2. Not a Ghost 3. Dawn of Night 4. War Bonds 5. Overboard 6. Jackson Pollock