I'm going to the SF MusicTech Summit. Are you?

I wrote this article about the SF MusicTech Summit with its founder and executive producer, Brian Zisk. Get a taste below and read the full piece in VentureBeat! And please, head to the Hotel Kabuki on October 9th for the Summit. It's one of the most illuminating, inspiring, and just downright awesome events I've ever attended. This year, it's expanded to a full week of events, and I'm helping to promote it. I hope to see you from October 7-14!

The music industry is in a precarious place. The status quo is crumbling, paradigms are shifting, time-honored institutions are facing new hurdles. From artists to consumers to label execs, everyone’s wondering: what’s next?

The SF MusicTech Summit will attempt to tackle that question this October. Approaching its eleventh gathering, the Summit brings music’s movers and shakers to San Francisco to do business and discuss the industry’s challenges—as well as potential solutions. Entrepreneurs, artists, technologists, industry vets, and more will once again grace the Hotel Kabuki united by one goal: innovation. These pioneers not only create cutting-edge technology, they develop new ways of thinking about crucial concepts, from music consumption and creation to viable revenue models. They come to do deals, build alliances, generate leads, and have a great time. (Read the rest here.)