Belated: SF MusicTech Summit On GigaOm

Just to keep things nice and neat in one place, here's the post I wrote for GigaOm about the SF MusicTech Summit. Have I mentioned how much I adore this conference? Yes? Okay. See the excerpt below and read the full piece here. There’s something special about innovation in San Francisco. For one, the city is a startup mecca: It’s bursting at the seams with forward-thinking companies, from established giants like Twitter and Pinterest to the next big things of the digital world. For another, its rich culture didn’t fade after the Summer of Love; creatives continue to flock to the city, which boasts festivals like Hardly Strictly Bluegrass and renowned museums like the DeYoung.

It’s no surprise, then, that the music-tech community found a home in the City by the Bay. Like San Francisco itself, the SF MusicTech Summit celebrates the intersection between art and technology. The conference draws influencers, musicians and more to Japantown’s Hotel Kabuki and provides a unique outlet for discussions and deal making. It has become a premiere gathering place for music-tech pioneers of all stripes, and game-changing businesses have formed on the summit floor. (Read more.)