Snap Excerpt: Ear Lube (How To Make a Bangin' Mixtape)

This piece graced the first issue of Hipstamatic's Snap magazine, and it features some of my selections for making a seriously bangin' mixtape. A mixtape is like a mating call. It’s an aural aphrodisiac, a symbol as clear as Lloyd Dobler’s massive boombox in Say Anything; it says, in no uncertain terms, ‘let’s bang.’ That’s why creating the perfect mixtape is such a delicate art: one misplaced Kanye track and you can kiss your chance at romance goodbye. Luckily, we’re experts in the ways of the heart, the body, and the headphones—and we’re here to guide you. If you want to make your sweetheart swoon, it’s time to spice it up: we’ve come a long way since Marvin Gaye, and your mixtape needs to turn your honey on….to some new artists. The songs below are sure to rev things up, so go old-school and make your own mixtape, or ditch some kitsch and craft a sexy digital playlist. From there, it’s full steam ahead to sexytime.

Read the full story at the Hipstamatic blog.